
There is a rhythm (one among many) in the play of the world-forces which is connected with the sun and planets. That makes the birthday a day of possible renewal when the physical being is likely more plastic. It is for this reason that Mother sees people on their birthdays.


it is taken as an occasion for opening a new year of life with a growing new birth within. That is the meaning in which the Mother takes the birthday.1

~ Sri Aurobindo


From the viewpoint of the inner nature, the individual is more receptive on his birthday from year to year, and thus it is an opportune moment to help him to make some new progress each year.


We celebrate the birthday, for example: because there is a certain rhythm in each one’s existence which is established by this regular return of circumstances analogous to those in which he was born.3


Physical contact is not indispensable. Certainly for those who have the true attitude, the physical contact helps the body to follow the movement of transformation, but the body is rarely in a state to profit by it. Generally on birthdays it is more receptive.4


Because of the rhythm of the universal forces, a person is supposed to have a special receptivity on his birthday each year.
He can therefore take advantage of this receptivity by making good resolutions and fresh progress on the path of his integral development.5


[One should spend time on one’s] birthday in finding out the purpose of life.6

~ The Mother


  1. CWSA Vol. 32, The Mother with Letters, P: 524-25
  2. CWM Vol. 16, P: 399
  3. CWM Vol. 07, P: 332
  4. CWM Vol. 13, P: 80
  5. CWM Vol. 16, P: 308
  6. CWM Vol. 16, P: 415
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