Brahma is the Eternal’s Personality of Existence; from him all is created, by his presence, by his power, by his impulse.1
Brahma is Immortality…2
Brahma is the Creator, one of the Three who form the great Puranic Trinity…3
Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva are only three Powers and Personalities
of the One Cosmic Godhead.
Brahma is the Power of the Divine that stands behind formation
and creation.4
~ Sri Aurobindo
- CWSA Vol. 12, Essays Divine and Human, P: 208
- CWSA Vol. 12, Essays Divine and Human, P: 209
- CWSA Vol. 15, The Secret of the Veda, P: 317
- CWSA Vol. 28, Letters on Yoga-I, P: 459